Thursday, November 10, 2011


Finally... more than 6 months later I actually sat down and made the blog. It's simple.. and kinda lame... and REALLY cheesy... no pun intended lol.
So.. I asked for input on the new blog name... and got no response.. so this is what Mac came up with. We have always had this inside joke between the two of us since everyone calls him 'Mac'.. so that makes me the 'cheese'. Yes. I am the cheese to his Mac... he is the Mac to my cheese. and this is what our blog was born from. and since macncheese was already taken as a blog address, the 831 in the blog address is also a personal inside thing between the two of us from back when we were dating.. I even have a bracelet that he had engraved for me that says '831 forever' on it... cute huh?? lol. 831 stands for: 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning..... I Love You. The first time I told him about this little saying he just decided he liked it and it has stuck ever since.
So there you have it, there is a method to our blog madness. that is as creative as it gets folks... I don't have the creative juices flowing in me like everyone else does.. so this is what you get :)

So since the whole point of creating the new blog was for privacy purposes, I would appreciate that it be kept as such. I will not be using our full first names or our last name either and would prefer that you do the same. So I will mostly just use initials, or nicknames when referring to me or the hubby, or any future chilluns that will be mentioned here. The reason for this is because of Google and all other search engines. I love google. You type in anything you want and it finds it for you.. which is also a bad thing though. We both have such unique first names that it makes it a little easier to find us online than just a normal john smith or something.. thats why I'm not using our first names OR our last name either.

When Mac became an officer, his sergeant told him that it was easy for them to find out ALOT about him, without even really trying. All those places that ran background checks on him last year, have seen and read the old blog (which I already knew they would) but she said that she didn't want it to put us in any danger in the future and ask that we change it so that not every tom, dick, and harry can find us so easily. I have always kept in mind that once you put something online, it is there forever, so don't put anything up that you wouldn't want the whole world to know or see. I am fine with people knowing about us or seeing our pictures. That isn't the point. I just don't want to make it any easier for the bad ones to find us if I can. In law enforcement, it's only a matter of time before you piss someone off. And in SC there have been incidents where inmates have literally shown up on the doorsteps of officers. Nothing horrible ever happened from these instances, but I sure don't want them showing up at my house based on the fact that they googled Mac's name and found out where we live.

I am not naive to think that this will stop people from finding out information if they really want it. If you are tech savy, you can find whatever you want to about anyone pretty much, such is the world we live in. It's kind of like the concept of, why lock your front door? if someone wants to break in, they will find a way. Well, by locking the front door, you are making it a little harder for them to do so. You aren't just welcoming in the trouble, you are taking steps to prevent it. That is what I am doing here, I am taking some precautionary privacy measures.. i.e. I am locking the front door. that is all.

Ok that was my little privacy rant. I am done now. I will be writing and posting lots of new stuff in the coming weeks. Lots of craziness has been happening in our lives over the past few months so there is lots to catch up on. :)
I will wait a bit to start posting so I can send out the emails with the new address and all that though... just fyi.
Thanks for reading.

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