Monday, April 9, 2012

busy week!!

well we got 3 walls in the nursery done.. haven't started on the other one yet. Hopefully I'll have it done in the next month or so. Just depends on how much energy I have on my days off. here's some photos of the wall in our living room and the 3 walls in the nursery that are done
Living Room Wall
Still haven't hung any pictures yet.. hopefully I'll get around to it :)

The first 2 pics make it look super bright but it really isn't too bright when you see it in person. The last wall needs to be painted white and then taped off for the cool squares I'm gonna do on it. and I swear the living room and nursery aren't the same color... very different actually.. it just kind of looks that way in the pics. Weird lighting I guess.

This past weekend we also celebrated easter. We didn't really do a whole lot. I went to my moms for dinner on Sunday. And we colored some eggs with our friends on friday night. It was kind of funny to see Mac in an apron too. I look gross in the  pics but he looks cute so I'll post em anyway :)
They both look super excited about it lol
our awesome eggs!! 
I look super gross, but this is us with our eggs. At least my honey looks cute :)

Lots of changes happening with us this week. Nothing I will go into at the moment. For now we are just trying to enjoy life and spend as much time together as we can before this baby gets here. We might have a name picked, but I hate to say that because we still have 4 more months to go and we have a tendency to change our minds alot. So I think we will just sit with it for a little while and make sure we still like it later. Who knows, maybe it won't fit her when she gets here and we'll change it last minute. 
I'm super excited to get the nursery done. We should be ordering the crib soon which makes it feel even more real. It's hard to picture how different our lives are this summer compared to last year. Things can definitely change overnight and that's how it feels right now. 

we are so blessed to have such supportive family and friends in our lives. I'm so proud of my hubby for all of the great things he has accomplished this far in his life. He works so hard and I'm so glad I get to spend everyday with him. we are very blessed.

I'll try and post some more house pictures soon, if I ever get around to cleaning it all up so I can take the pictures :)

til next time.....

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