Thursday, June 14, 2012

Catching Up!

Well I am officially a slacker and haven't really gotten on here to post anything for like 3 months. My bad lol. Whats even worse is I haven't even taken any more belly pictures since the last one I posted so I guess there is just gonna have to be a gap in the timeline:)

We've been very busy here at our house. Getting the nursery done, my hubby started a new job which is always super stressful, trying to get the rest of the house in order for the baby to come. Plus all the everyday things and working full time still... I am one tired lady!

I am in total shock that this baby will be here within the next 8 weeks. This pregnancy went by WAY too quickly for me. It's starting to slow down a little bit, but not much. We've started packing our hospital bag and I had to pre-register for my hospital stay today which just made it all seem even more real.

The baby is still doing great. We both have this worry that since this pregnancy has been so boringly normal, and she is pretty much an angel baby in the womb that the delivery will be horrific or she will turn out to be a demon child once she is here. lol. no worries- we will totally love her just the same. Things have just gone perfect thus far.... almost too perfect. And I am definitely a pessimist, so I'm just waiting for the bad parts to start... because in my mind, they are inevitable.

I guess we will just have to wait and see though! Baby girl is doing really well though. Right now I am just past my 32 week mark. Baby wieghs somewhere around 4.5lbs and will most likely be somewhere in the 7.5 range for delivery based on her growth rates and size right now. She has turned into the biggest wiggler the past few weeks... I swear she must be doing gymnastics or something because she is seriously all over the place! My only pregnancy complaint right now is how uncomfortable I am getting. My SI joints are completely separated at this point which makes for some painful moments and the inability to bend over very often or for very long. I also have one side of my rib cage thats giving me issues, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly coming from my back. I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore so I can go in and get a good massage to fix me back to normal again!

M has felt her move several times at this point. She is a stinker and stops everytime he tries, but she is very active at night so he has gotten to experience it a little bit. He just look at my stomach with a weird look and just says how crazy it is and that there is an alien in my belly lol. He has made such a turn around from where we were a year ago though. I can tell he is excited for her to get here. He is still really stressed about everything that comes with having a baby, but we've worked through it all and when he talks about the baby, you can just tell he is already loving her a ton. He is seriously going to be the best dad.

With fathers day coming up, I just can't help but take a minute and give him some recognition. He has been so good to me the past 8 months. He is already trying to take care of his baby girl, even though she isn't technically here yet. Anytime I have to stop to take a breath or have a sore spot where she is pushing or I make a weird face, he is all over it like, "whats's wrong, are you ok? what can I do, what do you need" etc. he is constantly waiting on me and just overall tries to make my life easier anyway that he can. I can't wait to see him with our baby. Definitely a moment in our lives that I have been looking forward to.

Anyway.. sorry to bore you all with tales of our everyday life... SO here's some more interesting things with pictures that is probably way more fun to look at.

As I said before, I have been working on the nursery like mad, trying to get it all done. I finally got the last wall painted, the crib built, the dresser sanded and stained. and then I even did a little bit of decorating. So here is all my progress so far. I still have alot of little things I want to add so it's not quite all the way finished, but the majority is done.

Here is the last wall that sits behind the crib :) I LOVE it

this is the BEFORE pic of the dresser

and this is the AFTER! 

this dresser just about killed me with how hard it was to sand it. I really love how it turned out though :) just wish it hadn't taken over 2 months lol

Here's our crib with the skirt I just finished tonight ( I still have a few spots to fix on it but I ran out of fabric lol) 

a closer look at it. it looks kinda messy in this pic but it seriously looks so cute in person. I love how it turned out. 

 here's a look at the rest of the room. Lovin my lanterns :)

this is the best pic I have of the overall room

Like I said, it's still a work in progress. I want to add curtains, a rug, some wall decor, plus we still need to put at least a sheet on the crib cuz it's just bare right now except for the skirt.. so still a little ways to go. But it's nothing we can't do once she gets here if we don't get around to it before then.

here's some US pics of her. 30wks. Everyone says she is gonna have M's nose and mouth

It's so crazy how much detail you can see on ultrasound these days. I love it. I think i forget there is an actual person in my belly moving around, but seeing her actual face makes it very real. I'm excited to see what she really looks like in person. Most people say they don't always look like the US pictures because everything else in your belly distorts it a little bit. I guess we will just have to wait and see! :) 

and last but not least..... the buddah belly lol

I always made fun of people who took bathroom pics from their cell phones.. but I'm too lazy to fix the camera with the timer and all that junk... so here I am.. I am now one of those people. haha. 
this is 32 weeks 1 day.
everyone keeps telling me how small I am and how tiny my belly is... I think they are all blind and nuts!! but..... I appreciate it anyway. It's nice to know other people don't think I am as big as a house. I sure feel like it though. and even if they are lying.. I love them for it! :)

I think that's all I'll post for now since it's late and this post is becoming too lengthy. I'll try and keep up on the blog a little better and do a couple more posts before she comes and then I'll have LOTS to blog about once she actually gets here :) :) can't wait! 

til next time!